Friday, September 21, 2012

The Ups and Downs, Myths and Truths of Being Gifted

     There are ups and downs to everything.  Ups and downs to being young, ups and downs or being an adult, and ups and downs of being popular.  But what are the ups and downs of being gifted?
     One of the ups is that it sets you apart.  says that gifted kids make up around 6% of the student population.  People find it cool when they know someone unusual.  The downside of this is that people think you are perfect.  They set very high expectations, and when you don't do well on a test, or anything else, they are disappointed.  This is because they think, "That person is gifted.  They know things few people do, and they should definitely ace the test."   I'll tell you I hate this.  It puts a lot of stress on you.  Another up is that you may have more privileges.  People trust smart people.  This is a downer though, too.  People also trust you to do favors for them.  At my old school, we had a special needs girl in my class.  I was the one the teacher called on to help her, so when I was helping her, I was getting behind.  The teacher would then say, "Megan, why are you not done?" I was so frustrated. 
     As with most things, there are myths and truths to being gifted.  One myth is that gifted kids are perfect.  People think we can handle anything.  The truth to this is gifted kids often go through asynchronous development.  That's some big word the Columbus Group came up with.  This means our maturities are not in sync.  Who watched the synchronized diving in the Olympics?  Gifted kids would be terrible at that. Our physical, emotional, intellectual, and social maturities progressing at the same rate.  Divers need to do everything at the same rate.  An example of this is lunch.  You are sitting around a table with all your friends, and you start talking like a nerd before you realize this may scare people.  Your intellectual and social maturities are asynchronous.  Okay, enough with the big words.  Another myth is that gifted kids are small, vulnerable nerds with giant glasses.  The only truth in this is that we are vulnerable to dumbing ourselves down.  I warn you NEVER DO THIS OR YOU WILL BE ARRESTED BY MS. MYSTRENA!  Anyway, we are not small or weak.  
     Sounds confusing?  It's not, just do not make assumptions about us.  I mean, how would you like it if someone thought you were small and scrawny just because you're smart?  GO NERDS!!

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