Thursday, September 13, 2012

All About Me

     Hi ROGATE!  My name is Megan.  I am in 8th grade at Northern Burlington Regional Middle School.  My favorite subjects are ROGATE, math, and PE.  I like to learn about how things work and what is going on in the world. 
     In my free time, I like to do anything involving sports, going to the beach, and traveling.  I also like to surf.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE soccer and lacrosse, and my favorite time during the week is sports practice. I also LOVE to read.  The Hunger Games is the best!  One more of my favorite things to do is play outside.  I enjoy getting dirty, playing manhunt, and climbing trees. :) 
     When I grow up, I don't know what I want to do.  I am torn between three different careers.  These are professional athlete, orthopeadic specializing in sports injuries, and production designer.  
     What makes me happy? A lot of things do.  Some of these things are my family, my dog, sports, reading, and music.  When I am frustrated about anything, for some reason going for a run makes me feel better.  When I need to relax, I read a book or listen to my iPod.  My dog or my family always seem to work the best though.  My dog does so many stupid things, I can't help not laughing at her.  

    This is all about me.  Thanks for reading!

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