Monday, January 28, 2013

20% Project

     In ROGATE, we are working on a 20% project.  This means that we will spend 20% of our class time a week working on a project we are passionate about.  I am working with Jessie and we are doing a music video for Drops of Jupiter by Train.  One roadblock we will face is getting a piano to practice with.  She is singing and I am playing the piano, so we really need one.  Another roadblock we will face is being able to film in the classroom.  Space is limited and we don't have a piano.  It is also not very quiet in there Friday 9th period.  We really hope this project will work and that it will turn out great.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Looking Back on 2012

In 2012, I learned a lot about life, the world, and myself.  I learned that I can survive the end of the world.  I also made some resolutions. 
     To be honest, I didn't think 2012 was going to be anything special.  I was so wrong.  In 2012, my great aunt passed away, I started at a new school, started a new soccer team, and worked at the Jersery shore helping Hurricane Sandy victims.  The last one was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had.  I learned so much from working there for a day, I would never take back the boring, cold wait or the long drive.  I learned to never take anything for granted.  Honestly, when someone shows up wanting food and you hand them a bottle of water and a granola bar, and they act like it's a meal at a 5 star restaurant, you realize how much you really have.  I will never forget it.
     In 2013, I have 2 resolutions.  The first is to train more for soccer and lacrosse on my own.  The second is to not procrastinate.  I wait until the last minute to do everything.  For my honors geometry project, I waited until the day before it was due to start it.  If I have homework over the weekends, I will literally wait until 11:00 to do it.  I already feel accomplished, because it it 5:30 and I am done my homework.  Other than that, I didn't really think about resolutions.
     Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Thinking Deeper About the First Amendment

     We have been discussing the 1st amendment in ROGATE, and I am still wondering about the right to free speech.  Exactly how far does it go? Obviously we have the right to express ourself, but to what extent?  Also, how would the other rights be affected?
     According to, we have the right to say anything that does not create a dangerous situation, incites violence, is not truthful, or is obscene.  This makes sense, and these restrictions are better than getting rid of free speech all together.
     What would happen if we did not have the right to free speech?  Would we still have the rights of petition, assembly, religion, and press?  Probably not, because these rights depend on each other.  If we did not have the right to express ourselves freely through speech, we would probably not be able to freely publish our thoughts.  If we could not protest through speech, we proably wouldn't be able to protest through petition or assembly.  
      In conclusion, even thought the right of free speech has very few restrictions, we are not allowed to go around saying whatever we want.  We are not allowed to take advantage of our right and use it to harm others or cause violence.  Finally, the other 1st amendment rights would be affected or not exist at all if the right of free speech did not exist.